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Help raise money for SMF by joining the Jenzabar Foundation

Apr 1, 2009

The Somaly Mam Foundation is proud to announce a new partnership with the Jenzabar Foundation. For every person who registers on their website, the Jenzabar Foundation will donate $2 directly to the Somaly Mam Foundation. You can directly help the fight to end human trafficking in Cambodia going to this page:


…and joining the Jenzabar Foundation. The foundation’s mission is to “recognize and support the good works and humanitarian efforts of student leaders serving others across the global community. The Foundation seeks to foster a culture of service and to educate and inspire future generations to create a better world.” So help us out to the tune of $2, and join the Jenzabar foundation today!

Also, if you’re looking for more ways to connect to human trafficking issues, you can friend Somaly Mam by visiting her Facebook profile, or follow her on Twitter to get status updates on how she’s currently working to advance the cause.


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