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Life Without Parole - Sarah Kruzan's Case

Dec 6, 2010

Dear Friends,

A tragic case involving domestic trafficking has recently come to our attention.

A young girl, Sara Kruzan, was abused and sold as a child prostitute for many years. Her pimp began grooming her for prostitution at the young age of 11 and prostituted her at age 13. Twelve hours a night, seven days a week, for three years, Sara was raped by strangers so her pimp could profit. Just after her 16th birthday, in a desperate act to escape captivity, Sara shot and killed her pimp. Still a child, Sara was sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole. Sarah is now 32. Her childhood was lost to child sex trafficking, her young adulthood to a prison term.

While we by no means do we condone murder, we do believe that her sentence was unfair and excessive. Sara’s trial took place before the United States government and judicial system had a thorough understanding of domestic sex trafficking. Sara was sentenced in 1995; the U.S. government did not significantly address trafficking until 2000.

Sara’s only chance at freedom is clemency is a petition currently being circulated to urge Governor Schwarzenegger to commute Sara’s sentence to time served. To access the petition, please visit this website:

We are currently urging all our supporters to sign the petition and explore possible appropriate options available to them to assist Sara. Please call or send a letter to your representatives and/or the California governor’s office on this matter. Additionally, we are asking supporters who have access to California politicians to reach out to them to make them aware of Sara’s case and to urge Governor Schwarzenegger to help Sara.
Please contact me if you have any questions about Sara’s case.


Bill Livermore
Executive Director & CEO
Somaly Mam Foundation

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