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Spread Your Wings

Dec 2, 2010 Thu, 2010-12-02 15:27

The Bay Area hosted the first-ever west coast gala for the Somaly Mam Foundation on Thursday, November 11 at the Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos, California. The “Spread Your Wings” gala was co-chaired by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg and Draper Fisher Jurvetson Partner Jennifer Fonstad, and they led a dedicated team of volunteers from the Bay Area. Highlights of the evening included a presentation by Somaly Mam and by her Kampong Cham Center dancers. Celebrities at the event included Ron Livingston and Angel McCord. The Fund-A-Need campaign raised over $200,000 toward supporting a shelter in Southeast Asia - two times the goal! The gala was an unprecedented success, raising over $1 million to date.

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