
Brothel Busters: Interview in Marie Claire

August 13, 2008

Somaly Mam foundation founders Nicholas Lumpp and Jared Greenberg were recently featured by Marie Claire:

“Some guys play Xbox and fantasy football in their spare time; Jared Greenberg and Nicholas Lumpp save young women from sexual slavery in Southeast Asia. The 25-year-old Air Force Academy graduates are the founders of the Somaly Mam Foundation, a new nonprofit group named after a woman who escaped the brothels of Cambodia and now rescues enslaved girls. (Her remarkable memoir, The Road of Lost Innocence, hits bookstores this month.) We asked Greenberg, who works as a consultant by day, and Lumpp, who runs a personal-finance website, about their heroic side job.”

Read the full interview here.

Filed under: Marie Claire, Media, News — greg @ 1:07 pm